Color Manager

Colors can be assigned for either nominal (possible values have to be available) or numeric columns (with lower and upper bounds). If these bounds are not available, a '?' is provided as a minimum and maximum value. The values are then computed during execute. If a column attribute is selected, the color can be changed with the color chooser.


Color by ...
Select the column whose possible values or ranges should be used for color selection. Depending on the type of selected column, nominal or numeric, the controls below can be used to define a color scheme. The special value <Column Names> is used to define a color model based on column names. It can be used in visualization nodes such as the Line Plot to define color based on entire columns, not row values.
Assigns colors based on the possible attribute values of the selected column. Colors can be set individually per value ('Custom') or via predefined palettes (Set 1-3). The latter will apply colors also to new values present at execution time (as opposed to 'Custom' palette which will cause the node to fail). If there are more distinct values in the data than defined in the palette, colors will be re-used.
Assigns a color gradient based on a numeric attribute. If the range is known, the minimum and maximum are displayed in the list, otherwise a '?' is shown. The color is determined by the position of the attribute's value within the numeric range: the corresponding color is set at the same position in the gradient.

Input Ports

Table to which color should be applied

Output Ports

Input table with color information appended to one attribute. Note that for colorings on column names the output table is identical to the input.
Color model as applied to the input table (if applicable)

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