Edit Nominal Domain (Dictionary)

Adds (and/or sorts) possible values given by the 2nd data table to the domain of equally named columns of the 1st input table. This allows the configuration of downstream nodes on an amended domain list, e.g. a histogram that should show an empty bin for a value that is not actually present in the data. Also, the sorting on the domain values can be changed. This might be useful for instance for many predictor nodes, which add a new column for each possible value to the prediction output table, whereby the order of the columns is determined by the ordering in the domain.


If domain value columns are not present in data
Determines if the execution should either fail or the column should be ignored if an included column does not exist in the input table (1st).
If column types do not match
Determines if the execution should either fail or the column should be ignored if the types of an included column are not equal.
Domain values (2nd input) will be inserted
The ordering of the values in the domain might be relevant for downstream nodes, e.g. predictor nodes, which append new columns representing the different possible values. This option determines the ordering in the output, whereby the additional domain values (2nd input) can be either inserted "Before existing domain values (1st input)" or "After existing domain values (1st input)".
Maximum amount of possbile domain values
Sets the upper bound of the number of possible domain values. An extreme high amount of possible domain values may influence and even crash the rest of the workflow, since table specifications are hold in memory. It is highly recommended to use the given default.

Input Ports

Input data
Additional domain value data

Output Ports

Input data with changed specification.


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