
Convert & Replace

This category contains 31 nodes.

Category to Number Streamable

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Category to Number StreamableDeprecated

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Category to Number (Apply) 

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Cell Replacer StreamableDeprecated

Replaces cells in a column according to dictionary table (2nd input).

Column Auto Type Cast 

Converts a column of type String to a Numeric or Date type, if and only if all entries could be converted.

Column Rename StreamableDeprecated

Enables you to rename column names or to change their types.

Column Rename (Regex) Streamable

Renames all columns based on regular expression search & replace pattern.

Column Renamer 

Renames columns.

Constant Value Column Streamable

Adds a column containing a constant cell in each row.

Domain Calculator Deprecated

Determines domain information of selected columns.