Workflow Executor

Executes a workflow provided at the workflow input port as part of this workflow.


Inputs & outputs adjustment
Allows one to automatically adjust the node ports with respect to the inputs and outputs of the workflow given at the input port. The automatic port adjustments can be undone (undo operation).
The input and output ports of the node must match the inputs and outputs of the workflow (not taking 0th flow variable ports and the workflow in-port into account).
Debugging: Show executing workflow segment
If enabled the executing workflow will be visible as part of a metanode next to this node. By stepping into the metanode the ongoing execution can be inspected. If the workflow fails to execute and this option is enabled, the metanode will remain in order to be able to identify the problem.
If the option is disabled the actual executing workflow won't be visible.
Update links of components and metanodes
If enabled, linked components and metanodes contained in the given workflow segment will be updated before execution.
Execute entire workflow
If checked, the entire workflow is executed and failures in the workflow will cause this executor node to fail. If unchecked, the executor node will only execute the nodes required to generate the output. This can lead to unexpected behavior where unconnected side branches are not executed. This option is disabled for workflows older than version 5.5 due to backwards compatibility. It is enabled by default for newly created instances. If uncertain, keep this option checked.

Input Ports

The workflow segment to be executed.
The inputs for the execution. Number and types of the ports must exactly match the inputs of the workflow provided at the workflow port.

Output Ports

The outputs of the execution. Number and types of the ports must exactly match the outputs of the workflow provided at the workflow port.


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