Network Generator

Generates new network elements depending on the selected algorithms. The settings script can be generated using the elements of the domain and edge section.

Script section

The script section contains all informations to generate an artificial network. An example of such a script would look like this:

%This is a comment that is ignored
%specifies that the network contains directed edges
>Directed network(true|false)::true
%This is the section that defines the first domain
>Domain creator::JG - Scale free
|->Number of nodes::20
|->Number of node partitions::1
|->Number of edge partitions::1
%This section defines the edges that connect two domains
>Edge creator::Simple creator
|->Number of edges::10
>1. Node selector::Equal distribution
>2. Node selector::Equal distribution

Special scripting characters and elements:

  • % marks a comment
  • > marks a parameter e.g. name of a domain
  • |->marks a sub parameter e.g. number of nodes
  • :: is a value separator
  • + marks the start of a section e.g. ++++++Network++++++ marks the start of the network section
  • - marks the end of a section e.g. ------Network------ marks the end of the network section
  • Name marks the domain name e.g. >Name::domain1
  • Domain creator marks the name of the domain creator to use e.g. >Domain creator::JG - Linear
  • Edge creator marks the edge creator to use e.g >Edge creator::Simple creator
  • 1. Node selector marks the node selector which selects the nodes from the first domain
  • 2. Node selector marks the node selector which selects the nodes from the second domain

Domain and edge templates can be generated using the section on the right.

Domain section

The domain section is used to create a new domain with the characteristic of the selected domain creator. The selected domain creator and its specific setting are appended to the end of the settings file when the Append button is pressed. The settings of the new appended domain e.g. number of nodes can be changed in the network generator script.

A domain can be also seen as a component. The domains (components) are unconnected as long as no domain crossing edges are specified (see Domain crossing edge section)

Domain crossing edge section

The domain crossing edge section domain section allows to generate a script that connects two domains by the specified number of edges. The domain crossing edge settings are append to the end of the file when the append button is pressed. The settings of the new appended domain such as the domains to connect (e.g. domain1=>domain2) or the number of edges can be changed in the network generator script.


Network generator script
The settings script can be generated using the buttons and select boxes on the right side.

Input Ports

Network (optional)

Output Ports

Generated network
Domain info table
Domain crossing edges table


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