String Configuration

Outputs a string flow variable with a set value from a component's dialog.


A descriptive label that will be shown in the dialog
Some lines of description that will be shown for instance in the node description of the component exposing a dialog.
Parameter Name
Parameter identifier for external parameterization (e.g. batch execution). This will also be the name of the exported flow variable.
Editor type
Single-line editor supports only one line text data and is represented with a text input component. It also comes with a validation based on regular expressions.
Multi-line editor supports many lines of text data and is represented with a text area component. Its sizes can be parameterized (see the options below) and the scroll bar will automatically appear, if the text is too long.
Editor width
The width of the editor in number of characters per line.
Editor height
The height of the editor in number of text lines. Multi-line editor only.
Regular Expression
Regular expression defining valid values. Single-line editor only.
Validation Error Message
Message that will be shown if one of the values is not valid. The character ? will be replaced by the invalid value. Single-line editor only.
Common Regular Expressions
A set of regular expression templates for common inputs. With the assign button you assign the regular expression and the corresponding error message to be the current settings. Single-line editor only.
Default Value
The value that is selected by default.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Variable output (string) with the given variable defined.


This node has no views




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