Many to One (PMML)

Transforms the values of multiple columns into a single column depending on the include method and documents the transformation in PMML. If set to binary the condensed column's value is set to the name of the first column with value 1. If the include method is maximum or minimum the value of the condensed column is set to the name of the column which, of all included columns, has the largest or smallest value. If the include method is binary and all columns are 0 the condensed column will contain a missing value.


The columns to be condensed into a single column using the selected include method.
Condensed column name
The name of the appended column.
Include method
The method to condense multiple columns into one.
Binary: Name of first column with value 1
Maximum: Name of column with the largest value
Minimum: Name of column with the smallest value
Include Pattern: Name of first column that matches the given pattern (currently not supported in PMML, uses option Binary within the generated PMML document)
Include pattern
When include method is RegExPattern, this is the pattern used.
Keep original columns
Determines whether the included columns are kept or not.

Input Ports


Output Ports

Data with transformed columns
Transformed PMML input


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