Labeling View

This node allows the user to manually assign labels to objects. This is useful to e.g. create training data for learning algorithms or create a ground-truth to test your algorithms etc. New labels can be created, renamed or deleted freely. NOTE: "?" is a reserved label and cannot be added. Exsiting labels of "?" will be replaced as Missing Values in the output table.



General labeling options.

Column with possible labels
Possible domain values of the selected column get used as label classes.
Ignore existing labels
If this option is selected, the labels from the column chosen for the "Column with possible labels" column are ignored and the view will only use the nominal values in the domain of that column for initializing the available labels in the view (as buttons). This means it will not take the existing values for each row as there label value. If left unchecked, the node will use the existing labels (except for missing values) as labels for the rows.
Add new labels in View
When this option is enabled it is possible to add/delete labels when the view is opened. For this, there will be an extra option in the view menu when this option is set.
Show progress bar at the top of the view
When this option is set, there will be a progress bar in the view, which shows the progress of the labeling.
Automatically select next tile when tiles are labeled
When this option is set, the next tile will be automatically be selected after one of the label buttons was pressed. Rightmost selected tile is at the last position of the page, the next page will be displayed and the first tile on that page will be selected.
Append new column
When this options is selected the output of the labeling will be appended in a new column with the given name.
Replace existing column
When this options is selected the output of the labeling will replace the given column.

General view and display options.

No. of rows to display
Use this numerical value to restrict the number of rows used for this visualization.
Title (*)
An optional title to be displayed above the tiles. Leave blank if no title is desired.
Subtitle (*)
An optional subtitle to be displayed above the tiles. Leave blank if no subtitle is desired.
Fixed number of tiles per row (1-100)
If checked, the specified number of tiles will be displayed for each row. The number of tiles per row must be between 1 and 100, inclusive. The width of these tiles will change as the window size changes, unless "Fixed tile width" is selected (see below).
Fixed tile width (30-5000px)
If checked, each tile will have the specified width. The specified width must be between 30px and 5000px, inclusive. The number of tiles per row will vary with the window size, unless "Fixed number of tiles per row" is selected (see above).
Select text alignment
The alignment of the text within each tile.
Columns to display
Select the columns whose contents should be included in the tile’s contents.


The JavaScript Labeling View allows for several ways of interactivity. Please use the options below to configure which features will be activated on the view and further configuration of interactive properties.

Initial page size
Set the page size to be used on initial layout. A page size is defined as the number of tiles the view displays on one page. If the page size change control is enabled the page length can be changed in the view.
Enable page size change control
Enable or disable the control to change the page size interactively in the view.
Selectable page sizes
Define a comma-separated list of allowed page sizes for the page size control.
Add 'All' option to page sizes
When checked, an additional 'All' option will be available in the page size control.
Enable selection
If checked a checkbox is rendered in the bottom left corner of each tile. The selection, when applied, will be represented in the output table as a new boolean column.
Subscribe to filter events
If checked, the view reacts when applied filters have been changed.
Enable 'Clear Selection' button
If checked a button is displayed above the tiles, to clear any selection that is applied, regardless of current search and/or filter settings.
Show selected tiles only
If checked, only tiles which are selected are displayed.
Enable 'Show selected tiles only' option
If checked, a checkbox to switch on and off the mode of displaying only selected tiles is rendered in the view.
Publish selection events
If checked, notifies other interactive views when user changes the selection in the current view. See also "Subscribe to selection events".
Subscribe to selection events
If checked, the view reacts on notifications from other interactive views that the selection has been changed. See also "Publish selection events".


The JavaScript Labeling View maps the KNIME table data types to types in JavaScript. The types that can be displayed are:

  • Boolean
  • Number (double, integer, etc.)
  • String
  • Date and Time (legacy)
  • Zoned Date and Time
  • Local Date and Time
  • Local Date
  • Local Time
  • PNG
  • SVG
All other data types will be treated as UNKNOWN types. The node tries to display them by extracting their respective standard string representation.

If you wish to customize the format for certain data types you can use the following options. For unknown types the formatting has to be applied in preceding nodes.

Date and Time types Date and Time values are converted into string using the selected or entered conversion pattern as defined by moment.js. Examples:
  • "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a" formats dates like "Sunday, February 14th 2010, 3:25:50 pm"
  • "ddd, hA" formats dates like "Sun, 3PM"
  • "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" formats dates as defined by ISO 8601.
Some valid pattern elements are:
  • Y: year
  • Q: quarter
  • M: month of year
  • W: week of year
  • DDD: day of year
  • D: day of month
  • d: day of week
  • dd: day of week (Su Mo ... Fr Sa)
  • a: am/pm marker
  • H: hour in day (0-23)
  • k: hour in day (1-24)
  • h: hour in am/pm (1-12)
  • m: minute in hour
  • s: second in minute
  • S: millisecond
  • z: Time zone (EST CST ... MST PST)
  • Z: Time zone (offset)
  • X: unix timestamp
Localized formats:
  • LT: Time (e.g. 8:30 PM)
  • LTS: Time with seconds (e.g. 8:30:25 PM)
  • L: Month numeral (0 padded), day of month (0 padded), year (e.g. 09/04/1986)
  • l: Month numeral, day of month, year (e.g. 9/4/1986)
  • LL: Month name, day of month, year (e.g. September 4 1986)
  • ll: Month name (short), day of month, year (e.g. Sep 4 1986)
  • LLL: Month name, day of month, year, time (e.g. September 4 1986 8:30 PM)
  • lll: Month name (short), day of month, year, time (e.g. Sep 4 1986 8:30 PM)
  • LLLL: Month name, day of month, day of week, year, time (e.g. Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM)
  • llll: Month name (short), day of month, day of week (short), year, time (e.g. Thu, Sep 4 1986 8:30 PM)
For printing an arbitrary string, wrap the string in square brackets, e.g. '[today] dddd'.

The locale which is used to render all date/time cells.
Local Date format
A global format, which is applied to all locale date cells. To format the string the framework moment.js is used.
Local Date & Time format
A global format, which is applied to all local date/time cells. To format the string the framework moment.js is used.
Local Time format
A global format, which is applied to all local time cells. To format the string the framework moment.js is used.
Zoned Date & Time format
A global format, which is applied to all zoned date/time cells. To format the string the framework moment.js is used.
Date & Time (legacy) format
A global format, which is applied to all date/time (legacy) cells. To format the string the framework moment.js is used.
Enable global number format (double cells)
If checked the option beneath will be applied to all columns of type Double.
Decimal places
If number format is enabled use this value to restrict the display of decimal places for double columns in the tile view.
Display missing value as red question mark
If checked, a missing value in the tile view is represented by a red question mark. Otherwise, an empty cell is shown.

Input Ports


Output Ports

Annotated table


Interactive View: Labeling View
Displays the detail of the current object to annotate.




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