Java IF (Table)

Java IF Switch on tables. Use the java editor to enter an expression that returns 0 or 1 (int) to indicate which of the two output branches the input should be directed to.

Note that any other result value (neither 0 nor 1) will result in an error.


Flow Variable List
The list contains the flow variables that are currently available at the node input. Double clicking any of the entries will insert the respective identifier at the current cursor position (replacing the selection, if any).
Method Body
Enter your java code here (the entire source will be wrapped in a method). You can add the name of a variables by double-clicking its name in the left list. Note that numeric (double-compatible) variables will be handled as Double, int-compatible variables as Integer and any other varaible type as String.

Input Ports

Input variables (optional).

Output Ports

Output port that contains the input data if the result of the expression is 0 (otherwise) this branch is inactive.
Output port that contains the input data if the result of the expression is 1 (otherwise) this branch is inactive.


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