Cross Joiner

Performs a cross join of two tables. Each row of the top table is joined with each row of the bottom table. Note, this is an extremely expensive operation as the number of rows in the output is the product of both input table row counts, by increasing the chunk size there will be a speed up.

Note: If executed in streaming mode only the top input will be processed in a streamable fashion.


Bottom table's column suffix
The suffix attached to a column's name if the bottom table contains a column with the same name. The column names of the first inport are always retained. If there are duplicates found in the second table the suffix is added once or multiple times to ensure uniqueness.
Separator for new RowIDs
This string will separate the RowIDs in the new data table. E.g. RowID1 + sep + RowID2
Chunk size:
Number of rows read at once, increasing this value yields faster execution time but also increases memory consumption.
Append top data tables RowIDs
If selected a new column will be attached to the output, containing the RowIDs of the top data table.
Column name(top):
The name of the newly generated rowkey column.
Append bottom data tables RowIDs
If selected a new column will be attached to the output, containing the RowIDs of the bottom data table.
Column name(bottom):
The name of the newly generated rowkey column.

Input Ports

The top table to be joined (streamable)
The bottom table to be joined (non-streamable)

Output Ports

Cross join

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