PDB Connector Query Executor

This node provides access to the RCSB PDB advanced query webservice, running queries which have been generated using the 'PDB Connector Query Builder' node and optionally 'PDB Connector Combine Queries' node

This node was developed by Vernalis Research (Cambridge, UK) . For feedback and more information, please contact knime@vernalis.com


Return Type
The type of entity to return
Result content type
Whether experimental or computational structures or both are returned
Scoring Strategy
The scoring strategy to use. Not all strategies make logical sense for all queries.
Page Size
The number of hits to retrieve with each network call. Larger values will use more memory during node execution, but result in fewer calls to the remote webservice
Limit Hits
Should the number of returned hits be limited
Maximum Hits to return
If the number of hits is limited, then the maximum number of hits to return. If the node output is truncated by this setting, then a node warning message will be displayed when query execution has completed
Include JSON in output
Should the raw JSON response from the webservice call be included in the output table

Input Ports

An advanced query

Output Ports

The query results and scores


This node has no views




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