

Vernalis Nodes for RCSB query and reporting

This category contains 20 nodes.

PDB Connector Deprecated

This node is no longer functional due to the shutdown of the remote webservices

PDB Connector Deprecated

This node no longer works. Please use the new verion

PDB Connector (XML Query String) Deprecated

This node has been deprecated as the remote webservices have been shutdown

PDB Connector (XML Query) Deprecated

This node is no longer functional due to the shutdown of the remote webservices

PDB Connector Combine Queries 

Combines two or more queries according to the specified logic operator

PDB Connector Combine XML Queries Deprecated

This node is no longer functional due to the shutdown of the remote webservices

PDB Connector Custom Report Deprecated

This node is no longer functional due to the shutdown of the remote webservices

PDB Connector Queries Table Loop Start 

Loops over a table containing an XML column of query definitions

PDB Connector Queries To Table 

Converts one or more queries to a table

PDB Connector Query Builder 

Node to generate an advanced RCSB query