Benchmark Start (Memory Monitoring) (2 ports)

This node provides the start of a timing block for monitoring performance of a node or nodes. It needs to be paired with a corresponding Performance Monitoring Timing End (Memory monitoring) node.

The incoming Data tables are passed through unchanged

Execution can be halted either by the number of executions in the loop start node being passed, or the optional timeout time (again from the loop start node) being passed.

NB The timeout will not halt intermediate node execution, only prevent a new iteration starting.

This node was developed by Vernalis Research. For feedback and more information, please contact


Number of iterations
The number of loop iterations


Stop tests after timeout period?
Should the loops stop if the timeout period expires before the indicated number of loops has executed? NB Does not stop loop execution mid-loop
Maximum total time (s)
The maximum loop iteration time if the above option is selected

Loop-body nodes

Report node times
Should the times of the individual loop body nodes be reported? This uses the timings shown in the 'Timer info...' node
Probe wrapped metanodes timings
If the above option is selected, this option allows the timings of individual nodes within wrapped metanodes (and other subnodes) to be individually probed. The total time for wrapped metanodes and subnodes are always reported. Metanodes are always probed, as they provide no useful top level NodeTimer information. In the timings output table of the loop end, nested nodes have their paths separated by ' --> '

Memory monitoring

Interval between memory monitoring checks (ms)
The interval to use between memory use checks during loop execution

Input Ports

Input Data table 0
Input Data table 1

Output Ports

Unchanged Input Data table 0
Unchanged Input Data table 1


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