
Split & Combine

This category contains 23 nodes.

Cell Splitter 

Splits the string representation of cells in one column of the table into separate columns or into one column containing a collection of cells, based on […]

Cell Splitter Deprecated

Splits the string representation of cells in one column of the table into separate columns or into one column containing a collection of cells, […]

Cell Splitter By Position Streamable

Splits cells in one column of the table at fixed positions into separate columns.

Column Aggregator Streamable

Groups the selected columns per row and aggregates their cells using the selected aggregation method.

Column Appender StreamableDeprecated

A fast way to reverse the operation of a splitter node.

Column Appender Streamable

A fast way to reverse the operation of a splitter node.

Column Combiner Streamable

Combines the content of a set of columns and appends the concatenated string as separate column to the input table.

Column Merger Streamable

Merges two columns into one by choosing the cell that is non-missing.

Column Splitter Streamable

Splits the columns of the input table into two output tables.

Column to Grid 

Breaks a selected column (or set of columns) into new columns, such that they align in a grid.