Hash Calculator

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The “Hash Calculator” node allows to calculate hash values aka. “digests” for given string or binary cells using various hash functions. Hash functions have a broad usage in information-security, e.g. for digital signatures, message authentication codes (MACs), and general authentication. Also they can be used to index data, create fingerprints, detect duplicates and uniquely identify files.

The following algorithms are currently supported out of the box (Provider “SUN”):

Additionally, the following hashing algorithms are provided via an extension point:

  • BC
    • 1.2.804.
    • 1.2.804.
    • 1.2.804.
    • 2.16.840.
    • 2.16.840.
    • 2.16.840.
    • 2.16.840.
    • BLAKE2B-160
    • BLAKE2B-256
    • BLAKE2B-384
    • BLAKE2B-512
    • DSTU7564-256
    • DSTU7564-384
    • DSTU7564-512
    • GOST3411
    • GOST3411-2012-256
    • GOST3411-2012-512
    • KECCAK-224
    • KECCAK-256
    • KECCAK-288
    • KECCAK-384
    • KECCAK-512
    • MD2
    • MD4
    • MD5
    • OID.1.2.804.
    • OID.1.2.804.
    • OID.1.2.804.
    • OID.2.16.840.
    • OID.2.16.840.
    • OID.2.16.840.
    • OID.2.16.840.
    • RIPEMD128
    • RIPEMD160
    • RIPEMD256
    • RIPEMD320
    • SHA-1
    • SHA-224
    • SHA-256
    • SHA-384
    • SHA-512
    • SHA-512/224
    • SHA-512/256
    • SHA3-224
    • SHA3-256
    • SHA3-384
    • SHA3-512
    • SM3
    • Skein-1024-1024
    • Skein-1024-384
    • Skein-1024-512
    • Skein-256-128
    • Skein-256-160
    • Skein-256-224
    • Skein-256-256
    • Skein-512-128
    • Skein-512-160
    • Skein-512-224
    • Skein-512-256
    • Skein-512-384
    • Skein-512-512
    • TIGER

The result is given in hexadecimal form. For example, the string “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet” is transformed to an SHA hash 38f00f8738e241daea6f37f6f55ae8414d7b0219.

Input cannot only be provided as string data, but also as binary cell. In this case, the hashes are calculated in a streaming manner, which means, that hashes can also be calculated for binary data which exceed the amount of available memory.


The input column (string, binary, or file path) in the input table with values for for which to calculate hashes.
Remove input column
Enable to drop the input column from the result table.
The provider of the hash algorithms (defaults to “SUN” -- further can be added via an extension point).
The hashing algorithm to use, e.g. “SHA”.

Input Ports

Input table with a string or binary column for which to calculate hash codes.

Output Ports

Table with appended column holding the hash values in hex format.


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