Collection Size

This nodes calculates the size (i.e. the number of cells) in one or more collection columns

This node was developed by Vernalis Research (Cambridge, UK) . For feedback and more information, please contact


Collection Columns
Select the incoming collection column(s) to convert to lists
Fail if no matching columns
Should the node execution fail if there are no matching collection columns?
Counting Options
Whether to include all cells in the collection, exclude missing value cells, or only include missing value cells
Unique values only
Whether all values are counted individually, or whether only unique values are counted. For Set cells, the results will be the same regardless of this option, as sets only contain unique values. All missing cells are considered equal, and so if missing cells are counted, then all missing cells will add only one to the total - in particular, if only missing cells are being counted, then the result will be either 0 or 1

Input Ports

Incoming data table

Output Ports

The input table with collection size(s) appended


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