
20220712 Pikairos Compare List of Ingredients

20220712 Pikairos Compare List of Ingredients
Your DataAggregate Materialsas SETSDetermineSET sizesCreate a RowIDColumnConvert SETSinto StringsConvert oneof the SETSinto a LIKE CompatibleString with "*" Wild Chars$ID$ = $ID (#1)$ =>"Set and Set (#1) are the same"$Set$ LIKE $Set (#1)$ AND $Set Size$ = $Set Size (#1)$ =>"Set (#1) Subset are equivalent"$Set$ LIKE $Set (#1)$ =>"Set (#1) is a Subset of Set"TRUE =>"There is Not subset"Table Creator Column Aggregator Collection Size Cross Joiner RowID Collectionto String String Manipulation Rule Engine Your DataAggregate Materialsas SETSDetermineSET sizesCreate a RowIDColumnConvert SETSinto StringsConvert oneof the SETSinto a LIKE CompatibleString with "*" Wild Chars $ID$ = $ID (#1)$ =>"Set and Set (#1) are the same"$Set$ LIKE $Set (#1)$ AND $Set Size$ = $Set Size (#1)$ =>"Set (#1) Subset are equivalent"$Set$ LIKE $Set (#1)$ =>"Set (#1) is a Subset of Set"TRUE =>"There is Not subset"Table Creator Column Aggregator Collection Size Cross Joiner RowID Collectionto String String Manipulation Rule Engine


