

This category contains 10 nodes.

Append to Collection Streamable

Adds cells from one or more columns to the end of a collection column

Collection Size Streamable

This node calculates the size (number of cells in) Collection cell columns

Collection to String Streamable

Converts one or more collection (list or set) columns to strings

Column to Singleton Collection Streamable

Converts columns into collection columns containing a single cell

Empty Collection to Missing Streamable

Converts empty collections (i.e. a collection containing no members) to missing cells

Insert into List Streamable

Adds cells from one or more columns to a specified position in a list column

List To Set Streamable

This node replaces any selected List Collection cells with Set Collection cells

Mask Lists Streamable

This node applies a mask (from a List column) to one or more list columns

Missing to Empty Collection Streamable

Converts missing cells in collection columns to empty collections (i.e. a collection containing no members)

Set To List Streamable

This node replaces any selected Set Collection cells with List Collection cells