Mask Lists

This node creates a mask from a selected column, and only keeps the 'masked' subset of members of any selected lists. If the mask column is a collection of boolean cells or a BitVector cell, then the kept cells are those whose corresponding positions in the mask are 'true' (set bits in the case of a BitVector). If it is a list of integers, the mask is either those positions where the mask value > 0, or the list of indices within the list represented by the numerical values in the mask cell

This node was developed by Vernalis Research (Cambridge, UK) . For feedback and more information, please contact


Mask Column
Select the incoming List column or BitVector containing the mask
Use values as indices
If the mask is a list of integers, then use those values as the indices. If this option is not set, then those positions where the value > 0 will be used
Treat missing masks as empty collections
If this option is set, a missing cell in the mask column will be treated as an empty collection, otherwise the row will be left unmasked
List Columns to Mask
The list columns to apply the mask to
Fail if no matching columns
Should the node execution fail if there are no matching collection columns?

Input Ports

Incoming data table

Output Ports

The input table with the masked lists

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