

The purpose of this workflow is described in details in the article A novel analysis of the photomotor response in zebrafish clusters the phenotypes of 14classes of neuroactive molecules using a KNIME workflow It is used for analyzing behavioral data from zebrafish larvae recorded with a Zebrabox.Plate-Well-CompoundmapSelect all "raw" filesfrom directory(one plate per file)Loop over all plates(over plates)fill up plate numbersadjust the cutoffin the dialogRemove ignored segmentsXLS Reader List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Time SeriesMissing Value Filter substancesbased on Z-score String Manipulation Dendrogramwith Heatmap Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) Distance MatrixCalculate Transpose Column Filter Column Resorter Remove certainsubstances Calculate fingerprintfor plate The purpose of this workflow is described in details in the article A novel analysis of the photomotor response in zebrafish clusters the phenotypes of 14classes of neuroactive molecules using a KNIME workflow It is used for analyzing behavioral data from zebrafish larvae recorded with a Zebrabox.Plate-Well-CompoundmapSelect all "raw" filesfrom directory(one plate per file)Loop over all plates(over plates)fill up plate numbersadjust the cutoffin the dialogRemove ignored segmentsXLS Reader List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Time SeriesMissing Value Filter substancesbased on Z-score String Manipulation Dendrogramwith Heatmap Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) Distance MatrixCalculate Transpose Column Filter Column Resorter Remove certainsubstances Calculate fingerprintfor plate


