Feed Parser

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The “Feed Parser” parses web feeds. The parser is based on ROME, which supports the following formats and version:

  • RSS 0.90
  • RSS 0.91 Netscape
  • RSS 0.91 Userland
  • RSS 0.92
  • RSS 0.93
  • RSS 0.94
  • RSS 1.0
  • RSS 2.0
  • Atom 0.3
  • Atom 1.0

As ROME is pedantic when parsing web feeds, the parser has been enhanced with various fallback mechanisms, e.g. when parsing XML with illegal characters, or when processing date entries whose format does not conform to the respective feed standard.


Column in the input table with HTTP Results or XML documents to parse.

Input Ports

Input table containing HTTP Results or XML documents with RSS and/or Atom feed data to be parsed.

Output Ports

Output table with rows for items from each supplied feed. The item’s title, content/description, publish date, and the link are output as columns in the result.


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