Cell Replacer

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

(This node has been superseded by the "Value Lookup" node.)

Replaces cells in a column according to dictionary table (2nd input). The node has two inputs: The first input contains a target column whose values are to be replaced using the dictionary table (2nd input). From the dictionary table, choose one column (or the RowID column) that is used as lookup criterion and an output column that contains the corresponting replacement. Any occurrence in the target column (1st input) that matches the lookup value is replaced by the corresponding value of the output column, which is another column in the dictionary table.

When the lookup column is of type String, it's also possible to replace the cell if

  • The lookup string is a only a substring of the target cell. Example: Match the lookup string "John" to the cell "Johnny".
  • The lookup string is a Wildcard expression that matches the target cell where `*` to represents zero or more arbitrary characters and `?` represents a single optional character. Example: Match "A*z" to all proper nouns starting and ending with "a", like e.g. "America", "Australia" or "Alabama".
  • The lookup string is a Regular Expression that matches the target cell. Example: Match "^[knime]+$" to all words containing only the letters "k", "n", "i", "m" and "e", like e.g. "knee" or "mine".

Note that the Substring, Wildcard and RegEx methods bring a significant performance penalty, since every target cell must be checked against every lookup cell.

When matching with strings, it is possible to match either case-sensitively or ignore case.

Instead of replacing the target column, the column containing the replacements can be appended instead. Furthermore, a column indicating whether the value was found (and therefore replaced) can be appended.

Missing values are treated as ordinary values, that is, they are valid as lookup and replacement value. If there are duplicates in the lookup column in the dictionary table, the last occurrence (bottom most row) defines the replacement pair.

If the input/lookup column is a collection type, each of the contained values in the collection is a search element.


Input table, Target column
The column in the first input table whose values will be replaced.
Dictionary table, Input (Lookup)
Search column in the second input table.
Dictionary table, Output (Replacement)
Column in the second input table containing the replacement values.
Dictionary matching behaviour, Matching behaviour
Only enabled if the dictionary input (lookup) is of type String. Select whether a cell should be replaced if the lookup string matches the target cell exactly, is a substring of it, is a matching wildcard expression or a matching Regular Expression.
Dictionary matching behaviour, Case sensitive
Only enabled if the dictionary input (lookup) is of type String. Decide whether the matching should be case-sensitive or not.
(Additional) Result Columns, Append result as new column
Select the checkbox and enter a new column name that will contain the mapped output. If unselected, the result will replace the target column.
(Additional) Result Columns, Create additional found / not found column
If checked, an additional column will be appended that indicates whether a lookup value was found in the target cell (and therefore replaced) or not. It's possible to use any strings here as values for the column.
If no element matches use
Define how values in the input table, which do not match any search pattern, are treated. "Input" will leave the value unmodified, "Missing" replaces the value by a missing value.
Copy metadata from replacement column
Check the box if any meta data from the "replacement" column should be retained in the output. This includes domain information, any color/size/shape handlers, names of the elements if the column represents a collection, etc. This option can only be selected if non-matches are represented as missing values (as opposed to copy the previous value). If in doubt, leave this option selected.

Input Ports

Table containing column whose values are to be replaced.
Dictionary table containing two columns: one lookup column and one replacement column.

Output Ports

Input table with replaced target column.

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