Bar Chart

A bar chart based on the NVD3 library.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page.


Category Column
Select the column that contains the category values.
Sort bars alphabetically
When checked the bars are sorted alphabetically with respect to their label derived from the category column. If not checked the order is derived from the first appearance of the value in the input table.
Aggregation Method
Select the aggregation method used on the selected frequency columns. In case of Occurence Count the occurence of the unique values of the selected category columns are determined.
Frequency columns
Select the columns with frequencies for which you wish to plot bars. Note: Missing values in the frequency column will be ignored with a corresponding warning message.
If, after aggregation, some bars or entire categories contain only missing values, they will be excluded from the view and a warning message will be raised.
Process in memory
Process the table in the memory. Requires more memory but is faster since the table needs not to be sorted prior aggregation. The memory consumption depends on the number of unique groups and the chosen aggregation method.
Report on missing values
Check to get the detailed warning messages in the view about missing values and enable 'Missing values' category. If not checked, missing values will be ignored without raising a warning. 'Missing values' category will not be present.
Include 'Missing values' category
If checked, missing values in the category column will form a separate class named "Missing values". Otherwise they will be ignored.

General Plot Options

Title (*)
The chart title.
Subtitle (*)
The chart subtitle.
Category-axis label (*)
The label used for the category axis.
Frequency-axis label (*)
The label used for the frequency axis.
Chart type
Select how to display the bar chart columns. In Grouped chart one bar indicates a separate value from a column, while in Stacked chart a bar is a stack of all values in a column.
Stagger labels
When checked, the bar chart category legend is rendered in a staggered fashion to allow more room for readability for long category names.
Display legend
When checked, the bar chart legend is displayed.
Display rich tooltips
When checked, a rich tooltip is displayed when hovering over the individual bars of the bar chart.
Plot horizontal bar chart
Check to plot the bar chart horizontally. By default bar chart is plotted with vertical bars.
Display fullscreen button
Check to display a button which switches the view into fullscreen mode. The button is only available in the KNIME WebPortal.
Show maximum value
Check if the maximum of the Y-Axis should be displayed.
Show static bar values
Check if the value of each bar should be displayed next to the bar.
Settings for SVG image generation.
Show warnings in view
If checked, warning messages will be displayed in the view when they occur.

Control Options

Enable view controls
Check to enable controls in the chart.
Enable Grouped/Stacked Chooser
Check to enable the display a control to choose grouped or stacked display of the bars.
Enable plot orientation change
Check to enable interactive toggling between a horizontal or vertical bar chart.
Enable stagger label change
Check to enable editing whether or not the labels for the category axis are rendered staggered.
Enable Title editing
Check to enable the editing of the title within the view.
Enable Subtitle editing
Check to enable the editing of the subtitle within the view.
Enable Axis title editing
Check to enable the editing of the axis titles within the view.
Enable switching 'Missing values' category
Check to enable to show and hide 'Missing values' category in the view.
Enable showing maximum value on y-axis
Check to enable to show and hide maximum value on the y-axis.
Enable showing static bar values
Check to enable to show and hide the static bar values within the view.


The JavaScript bar chart view allows for several ways of interactivity. Please use the options below to configure which features will be activated on the view and further configuration of interactive properties.

Enable selection
If checked a separate column containing checkboxes is rendered in the view.
Subscribe to selection events
If checked, the view reacts on notifications from other interactive views that the selection has been changed. See also "Publish selection events".
Publish selection events
If checked, notifies other interactive views when user changes the selection in the current view. See also "Subscribe to selection events".
Display clear selection button
Displays a button to clear current selection.

Input Ports

Data table containing the categories and values to be plotted in a bar chart.
Data table containing one column with the column names of table which has in addition a color assigned. Note: for the "Occurrence Count" aggregation method the column name in the color table should be also "Occurrence Count".

Output Ports

SVG image of the bar chart.

Popular Predecessors


Interactive View: Grouped Bar Chart
A bar chart based on the NVD3 library.




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