Column Merger

Merges two columns into one by choosing the cell that is non-missing. The configuration dialog allows you to choose a primary and a secondary column. The output of the node will be a new column (or a replacement of the selected input columns), whereby the output value for each row will be

  • the value in the primary column if it is not missing,
  • the value in the secondary column otherwise.

Note that the output value might be missing if and only if the secondary column contains a missing value. Also note that the type of the output column is a super type of both selected inputs, i.e. if you choose to merge a number and a string column, the output column will have a very general data type.


Primary column
The column with the value that will be used, unless it is missing.
Secondary column
The column with the value that will be used if it is missing in the primary column.
Replace/append columns
Choose where to put the result column:
  • Replace primary and delete secondary: Replace the primary column with the merge result and remove the secondary column.
  • Replace primary: Replace the primary column with the merge result and keep the secondary column.
  • Replace secondary: Keep the primary column and replace the secondary column with the merge result.
  • Append as new column: Append a new column with the name provided below.
New column name
The name for the new column.

Input Ports

Input with two columns to merge.

Output Ports

Input along with the merged column.

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