Column Name Extractor

Creates a new table with a single row or column containing the column names. The node has two output tables: The first table contains the column headers (all columns are of type string), either as a single row containing all headers or as one row per header. The second table contains the input data, whereby the column names are changed to a default pattern (given that the corresponding option is set.)


Generate new column names
If selected, the column names of both output tables will be replaced with automatically generated names by combining the prefix provided below with the corresponding column number (e.g. "Column 1", "Column 2", and so on). Otherwise, the original column names will be used.
Prefix to use when generating new column names
Output format for column names
The format in which the first output table provides the extracted column names:
  • Row: The column names are output as a single row with a column per name.
  • Column: The column names are output as a single column with a row per name.
Restrain column types
Select the type of the columns to extract the names from:
  • All: All columns are processed.
  • String: Only string-compatible columns are processed, this includes e.g. XML columns.
  • Integer: Only integer-compatible columns are processed.
  • Double: Only double-compatible columns are processed. This includes integer and long columns.

Input Ports

Original input data

Output Ports

Table with single row or column containing original column names
Input table with either original or changed column names

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