Round Double

Rounds double values to the specified decimal place or significant figures, applying the specified rounding method. The columns containing the double values can be specified. The rounded values can be appended as additional columns, or the old values are replaced by the rounded values. If rounded values are appended as additional columns, a column suffix for the columns to append needs to be specified.
To round the values seven different rounding modes are available: UP, DOWN, CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN. For the detailed description of each rounding mode please see the Java documentation.

The output formatting can be of different types, which are described by example below. Rounding the numbers 1.23501, 0.00000035239 and -3.123103E9 to 3 significant digits (HALF_UP) will produce:

Input Double(*) Standard String Plain String (no exponent) Engineering String
1.23501 1.24 "1.24" "1.24" "1.24"
0.00000035239 0.000000352 "3.52E-7" "0.000000352" "352E-9"
-3123103001 -3120000000 "-3.12E+9" "-3120000000" "-3.12E+9"

(*)Note that the "Double" output option may yield unexpected results due to numerical precision issue when representing floating point numbers. For example a number such as 0.1 can sometimes be represented as 0.09999999999999999.


Column selection
The columns containing double values to round.
Append as new columns (specify suffix)
If checked the rounded values will be appended as additional columns. For each selected column one additional column containing the rounded values will be appended. If not checked, the input double values will be replaced by the rounded values. The names of the new columns are those of the original columns with the specified suffix appended.
Output format
Specify the output format here. See table above.
The scale of the double values to round to. If the scale is reduced the specified rounding mode is applied.
Precision mode
The type of precision to which the values are rounded. Decimal places, the default option rounds to the specified decimal places, whereas significant figures rounds to significant figures or numbers.
Rounding mode
The rounding mode which is applied when double values are rounded. The rounding mode specifies the rounding behavior. Seven different rounding modes are available:
  • UP: Rounding mode to round away from zero.
  • DOWN: Rounding mode to round towards zero.
  • CEILING: Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.
  • FLOOR: Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.
  • HALF_UP: Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round up.
  • HALF_DOWN: Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round down.
  • HALF_EVEN: Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbor.
For a detailed description of each rounding mode please see the Java documentation.

Input Ports

The input table containing double values to convert.

Output Ports

The output table containing the rounded double values.

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