Tag Cloud

A tag cloud is a representation of words indicating the importance of the words by manipulating the visual properties. Here we use the distribution of font size, transparency and boldness of the font.

The user can change the following view properties on the fly:

  1. Minimal and maximal font size
  2. The distribution of the font size (linear, logarithm or exponential)
  3. The font name
  4. The amount of bold terms
  5. The transparency of the labels
  6. Zooming

Color of term:

To improve the variety of the tag cloud the colors of the terms are arranged. There are two possibilities. The user can create its own distribution method by adding a color to the rows, using the color appender.

If there were no colors added to the rows, the color will be arranged using the type of the first term. The so preselected colors can afterwards be changed on the fly.


The terms may be selected by dragging a rectangle with the mouse over the points or by clicking on points. The selected terms may be hilited by either right-click to get the context menu or via the hilite menu in the menu bar.

Important: If a term was found in more than one row, hiliting this term will cause all rows to be hilited, which contains this term. On the other hand, for hiliting a term it is sufficient that one of its representing rows was hilited.


Display all rows
If selected the histogram view displays all rows of the incoming data.
No. of rows to display
Defines the number of rows to be displayed in the histogram. This option is disabled if the 'Display all rows' option is selected.
Term column
The text of the terms in this column will be shown in the tagcloud. If the rows don't contain colors, the tag of the term is used for determine the term color.
Value column
This value represents the importance of the term. Be aware that, the higher this value, the more important the term will be considered in the view. The value is used for the font size, the intensity of the font color and the boldness of the font.
Ignore tags
If selected the tags are ignored. So two terms are equal, when their words are equal. For the color distribution will then always the first tag which was associated with the words be used. The new value of the term will be the sum over all terms, which contain the same words.
Kind of tagcloud
The view offers four kinds of tag cloud. The look of the first three of them is the same, just the sorting is different.
  1. Simple table : The terms are shown in a table. The terms will be sorted in the order of their first appearance in the data table.
  2. Alphabetic table : The terms are shown in a table. The terms will be sorted in alphabetical order.
  3. Size-sorted table : The terms are shown in a table. The terms will be sorted in descending order of their values.
  4. Inside-Out tagcloud : In this view the terms are arranged in a kind of circular way. The goal is to display the most important terms in the middle and the others around. With this positioning the amount of white space is reduced and the important words gain a lot of attention.
Image type
The type of the image to export.
Image size
The size of the image to export. Note that it can not be guaranteed that the specified size is used correctly by the tag cloud. The required space of the tag cloud depends on the number of terms and the frequency distribution. The tag cloud algorithm tries to adjust the font size of the terms in a way that the specified size is realized as good as possible.
Background color
The background color to set.
The alpha value to set, specifying the transparency of terms with lower frequency value. The specified value decreases linearly with decreasing frequency values in a way that less frequent terms will be more transparent.
The bold value to set, specifying the boldness of terms with lower frequency value. The specified value decreases linearly with decreasing frequency values in a way that less frequent terms will be less bold.
Whether anti aliasing is applied or not.

Input Ports

The input table must contain at least one column with terms and one column with a value.

Output Ports

The tag cloud as image.

Popular Predecessors


Displays the terms in a table tagcloud view.




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