Container Output (Table)

This node sends a table to an external caller (i.e. the Call Workflow (Table Based) node or an external REST client). A configured parameter makes the Container Output (Table) visible from the external caller and enables the external caller to fetch a table from the Container Output (Table) node.

If a data table is connected to the input port, the node will simply forward this table to the output port.


Parameter name
A name for the output parameter(preferably unique). This name is exposed in the REST interface and in the Call Workflow (Table Based) node.
Append unique ID to parameter name
If checked, the name set above will be amended by the node's ID to guarantee unique parameter names. Usually it's a good idea to have this box not checked and instead make sure to use meaningful and unique names in all container nodes present in a workflow.
A description for the output parameter. The description is shown in the API specification of the REST interface.

Input Ports

Table which defines the output of the workflow.

Output Ports

The input table directly forwarded without changes.

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