Create Date&Time Range

Generates date&time values, i.e. either a date, a time, a date&time (local) or a zoned date&time. There are three creation modes: Either a number of rows, a starting point, and an ending point is selected (the steps in between will be calculated), or a number of rows, a starting point and an interval is selected (the interval defines the steps between each row), or a starting point, an ending point and an interval is selected (the number of rows corresponds to how often the interval fits between start and end).


Output Settings

Output type
The type to create can be selected. It can be either a date, time, (local) date&time, or zoned date&time.
New column name
The name of the created column can be chosen.

Mode Selection

Number of rows: Fixed
A fixed number of rows will be created by either
  • selecting a start and end date&time with equal steps between each row
  • or selecting a start date&time and an interval (i.e. size of steps between each row). The ending point depends on the selected number of rows.
Number of rows: Variable
A variable number of rows will be created. A start and end date&time and an interval (i.e. size of steps between each row) must be selected. As many rows as possible will be created. The last created row will contain a date&time value which is before/equal the selected end (if the interval is positive, otherwise after/equal).

Starting Point

The starting point can be chosen. If the execution time shall be used, the checkbox can be checked. The selected date has the format yyyy-MM-dd, the selected time can either have the format HH:mm:ss or HH:mm:ss.SSS (where SSS stands for milliseconds).

Ending Point

Either a time-based or a date-based duration can be chosen. It describes the size of the steps between each created row. The inserted string can be either in
1. the ISO-8601 representation (see date-based duration format or time-based duration format for details), examples below,
2. the short letter representation (e.g. '2y 3M 1d')
Date-based duration: y: years, M: months, d: days
Time-based duration: H: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds
3. the long word representation (e.g. '2 years 3 months 1 day').

Examples for ISO-8601 (date-based duration):
  • "P2Y" parses as "+2 years"
  • "P-2Y" parses as "-2 years"
  • "P1Y2M3W4D" parses as "1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks and 4 days"
Examples for ISO-8601 (time-based duration):
  • "PT15M" parses as "+15 minutes"
  • "-PT15M" parses as "-15 minutes"
  • "PT2H15M3.5S" parses as "2 hours, 15 minutes and 3.5 seconds"
The end point can be chosen. If the execution time shall be used, the checkbox can be checked. The selected date has the format yyyy-MM-dd, the selected time can either have the format HH:mm:ss or HH:mm:ss.SSS (where SSS stands for milliseconds). If zoned date&time cells shall be created, the time zone will be the same as the time zone of the starting point.

Input Ports

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Output Ports

Output table containing the created date&time column.

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