Google Sheets Reader

This node reads a tab ("sheet") of a Google spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be selected from the spreadsheets available on Google Drive. Optionally, a specific range can be read from the sheet. The range must be entered in A1 notation (E.g. "A1:G10").

For more information about A1 notation visit:


The spreadsheet can be selected from the spreadsheets available on Google Drive. You can see the unique spreadsheet ID by hovering over the name.
Opens a dialog which lists the available spreadsheets from google drive. In the dialog you can see the unique spreadsheet ID by hovering over the names.
Open in Browser...
Opens the selected spreadsheet in the browser.
The sheet from the spreadsheet that should be read. Available sheets can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Select First Sheet
When selected, the first sheet of the spreadsheet will be read instead of the one selected from the drop-down menu.
Here the range that should be read from the sheet can be specified in A1 notation. (E.g. "A1:G20")
Read column name
Here you can specify whether the first row of the sheet should be read as column names.
Read row id
Here you can specify whether the first column of the sheet should be read as row ID's.

Input Ports

A Google Sheets Connection.

Output Ports

The retrieved sheet.

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