Date/Time Shift (legacy)

The node shifts a date/time with a defined granularity. The user can select the date reference and the shift value. The date can be chosen as a Date/Time column, as the execution time or as a fixed entered date. The shift value can be achieved by using a numerical column, however, it is also possible to enter a constant shift value. The numerical shift value is added to the selected date. The value is interpreted based on the selected granularity (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute).


Use shift value from column
Select to chose the shift value from a numerical column.
Use static shift value
Select to use a constant shift value.
Shift value
Define the constant value for your shift.
Select shift column
Select the column containing the value to apply.
Select granularity of shift
The granularity of the numerical value (in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
Replace column
If selected, the input column will be replaced by the computed result.
Appended column name
Name of the newly appended column containing the calculate date/time.
Use execution time
Select the execution time as the basic date.
Use date/time column
Select a date/time column as the basic date.
Use fixed date
Define a specific date in the fixed time section as the basic date.
Select a date column
Select a column containing a date as the baseline of the calculations.
Fixed time
The fixed time for the corresponding option.
Use date
Check for using the date in the output date column.
Use time
Check for using the time in the output date column.
Use milliseconds
Check for using the milliseconds in the output date column.

Input Ports

Table to be shifted or empty table

Output Ports

Out data with the shifted date appended

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