

Link to download the threedatasets. https://www.kaggle.com/omermetinn/tweets-about-the-top-companies-from-2015-to-2020 Company dataset Company tweetsdataset Tweets dataset Enrichment and preprocessing aredone to do topic analysis,relationship analysis and prediction. With this group by we can checkhow the words were divided anddecide each topic name Joins company and tweet IDsJoins each tweet and the companyWe sampled over only 0.2% of the dataset so to get around 27 thousand variables.Node 7Node 11Node 24Check for duplicatesCreates topics Prepare data for some exploratory analyticsNode 437Linear regression prediction graphJoiner Joiner Row Sampling Document creation Predictions Like Number Retweet Number Commnet Number Exploration andVisualization Mean Like andRetweets DuplicateRow Filter Enrichment Exploratoryanalytics Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Preprocessing Topic Analysis GroupBy Removes rows withless than 5 words Relationshipanalysis Bar Chart Numeric Scorer Line Plot Link to download the threedatasets. https://www.kaggle.com/omermetinn/tweets-about-the-top-companies-from-2015-to-2020 Company dataset Company tweetsdataset Tweets dataset Enrichment and preprocessing aredone to do topic analysis,relationship analysis and prediction. With this group by we can checkhow the words were divided anddecide each topic name Joins company and tweet IDsJoins each tweet and the companyWe sampled over only 0.2% of the dataset so to get around 27 thousand variables.Node 7Node 11Node 24Check for duplicatesCreates topics Prepare data for some exploratory analyticsNode 437Linear regression prediction graphJoiner Joiner Row Sampling Document creation Predictions Like Number Retweet Number Commnet Number Exploration andVisualization Mean Like andRetweets DuplicateRow Filter Enrichment Exploratoryanalytics Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) Preprocessing Topic Analysis GroupBy Removes rows withless than 5 words Relationshipanalysis Bar Chart Numeric Scorer Line Plot


