Table to HTML String

KNIME is able to render HTML in the String renderer. Converts the input table into an a single HTML String which can then be rendered in an HTML viewer. This string could for example be used in the email node, or added into another table for visualisation of small tables in a single cell.

The rendered HTMl will also be added as a flow variable "html-content" which can be accessed using the flow variable port.

For use in emails PNG Cells can now also be selected for addition to the HTML table. In the cell containing an image an image tag will be created with 'cid:image-{row-index}' as the identifier for the image. For the image to render then the images column must have it's values added to the email as embedded attachments using the same naming scheme of image-{array-index} as the Content-ID value. The images will not render within the KNIME table preview. More information may be seen here.


Number of rows
The maximum number of rows to add to the HTML table. Further rows are dropped.
Include RowID
Should a column be added for the RowID
Format double
When true uses the DecimalFormater to format the double. An example default value is given.
Decimal format string
The string to use for double formatting when "Format double" is true
Column selection
Which columns should be added to the table. Must implement IntValue, DoubleValue or StringValue
Add basic style
Adds some basic inline CSS styles to the table. Black header row with white text, alternating white and grey row backgrounds and grey cell borders. This will render nicer in email but poorly in KNIME tables. The CSS styles used can be updated on the Styles tab
table style
CSS inline styles for the table HTML tag
tr style (header)
CSS inline styles for the tr HTML tag in the table header
All row tr style
CSS inline styles for the tr HTML tag in the data rows (all non header rows)
Even row additional tr style
Additional CSS inline styles to append to the tr tag for even rows
Odd row additional tr style
Additional CSS inline styles to append to the tr tag for odd rows
td style
CSS inline styles for the td HTML tag (data cells)
td style (Missing cells)
The CSS inline styles to add to missing cells

Input Ports

The table to convert to an HTML

Output Ports

The HTML string

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