Nominal Row Filter Configuration

Provides a value filter configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Takes a data table and returns a filtered data table with only the selected values of a chosen column..


A descriptive label that will be shown in the dialog
Some lines of description that will be shown for instance in the node description of the component exposing a dialog.
Parameter Name
Parameter identifier for external parameterization (e.g. batch execution). This will also be the name of the exported flow variable.
Selection Type
Type of the selection panel.
Lock Column
If selected the column is locked and can not be selected from the component dialog.
Default Column
The column containing the values.
Default Values
The values that are selected by default. "Enforce inclusion" asserts that the set of included values stays the same, "Enforce exclusion" behaves likewise. The enforce inclusion/exclusion options are available in the component dialog only for the Twinlist selection type.
Limit number of visible options
By default the List and Twinlist components adjust their height to display all possible choices without a scroll bar. If the setting is enabled, you will be able to limit the number of visible options in case you have too many of them. The setting is available only for List or Twinlist selection type.
Number of visible options
A number of options visible in the List or Twinlist component without a vertical scroll bar. Changing this value will also affect the component's height. Notice that for Twinlist the height cannot be less than the overall height of the control buttons in the middle. The setting is available only for List or Twinlist selection type.

Input Ports

Table containing the column(s) with values to be filtered.

Output Ports

Filtered table containing only rows with the selected values.

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