Files/Folders Meta Info

This node adds meta information about the files and folders referenced by the selected column. At least the following information are covered:

  • Directory: Indicator whether or not the path points to a directory
  • Size: The size of the file/folder
  • Size (human readable): The size of the file/folder in a human readable form
  • Last modified date: The last time the file was modified
  • Created date: The time the file was created
  • Exists: Indicator whether or not the file/folder exists

This node can access a variety of different file systems. More information about file handling in KNIME can be found in the official File Handling Guide.


Column name
Column containing the paths to the files/folders whose meta information must be extracted.
Fail if file/folder does not exist
If checked, the node fails if any of the referenced files or folders does not exist.
Calculate overall folder size
If checked, the size of the folder itself plus everything located within this folder is being calculated, otherwise solely the folder's size is being calculated.
Append permissions
If checked, the file/folder permissions, i.e., readable, writable, and executable flags will be appended to the output. In case the file system does not provide access to these attributes missing values are written to the output.
Note: The meaning of the executable flag with respect to folders is file system depended, e.g., on UNIX systems this flag is true if the JVM has permissions to search the directory.
Append POSIX attributes
If checked, a set of columns that capture POSIX attributes (owner, group and permission bits) will be appended to the output. In case the file system does not provide access to these attributes missing values are written to the output.
Note: The meaning of the permission bits depend on the actual file system.

Input Ports

Table that contains a path column.
The file system connection.

Output Ports

Input table plus additional columns storing the files/folders meta information.

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