3D Scatter Plot (Plotly)

A 3D scatter plot based on the Plotly.js library. This chart is useful when visualizing multi-dimensional distribution between three features.

This node can subscribe to selection and filter events from other nodes in an interactive view, but selection is currently not supported within this view itself. Additionally, this node uses OpenGL software, so CSS styling of the chart itself is not available. You can style the other elements in the view, although KNIME classes are not current supported.

Please note: the Plotly.js KNIME extension is currently in Labs. It is recommended that you handle missing values and normalize your data before using visualization nodes in this extension to improve performance. Please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions on our community forum here .


General options for the KNIME 3D Scatter Plot with Plotly. The columns will be available for selection within the view.

X-Axis Column
Select the column to be initially displayed along the X-Axis.
Y-Axis Column
Select the column to be initially displayed along the Y-Axis.
Z-Axis Column
Select the column to be initially displayed along the Z-Axis.
'Group-By' Column (*)
If "Display Legend" is enabled, this column will be used to group different visual elements based on their membership in the chosen "Group-By" column in the legend. With the legend enabled and groups chosen, you can then toggle the visibility of visual elements by group through legend interactions.
Report on missing values
When enabled this will display a warning whenever there is a missing value present in the data and give a count on how many missing values exist in the data.
Missing values handling
The way in which this view tries to compensate for missing or invalid values. "Skip rows with missing values" will omit the entire row if a single cell is missing. This can affect multiple traces on the chart in some circumstances. "Leave missing" will leave a gap where the missing value exists and draw the chart anyways.

General Plot Options

These options control the initial state of the view.

Title (*)
The chart title.
X-Axis label (*)
The label for the X-Axis. If left blank, the current X-Axis feature name will be used.
Y-Axis label (*)
The label for the Y-Axis. If left blank, the current Y-Axis feature name will be used.
Z-Axis label (*)
The label for the Z-Axis. If left blank, the current Z-Axis feature name will be used.
Display legend
When checked, the chart's legend is displayed.
Show grid
When checked, a grid is displayed on the chart.
Show warnings in view
When checked, the any warnings will be displayed in the view.
Override colors
When checked, the colors provided by the data table will be ignored and the color chosen below for "Data color" will be applied to the plot. If there are no colors provided with the data, the node will use the "Data color" by default, even if this option has not been selected.
Data color
The color of the data on the plot if there are no colors provided with the table (i.e. from the "Color Manager" node) or if "Override colors" has been chosen. This color will not be automatically applied if the data has "Default" colors, it will only be automatically applied if in the absence of ANY colors. You can always apply this color to the data by selecting the "Override colors" option.
Background color
The background color of the plot, including the axes labels, the title and the subtitle.
Grid color
The background color of the grid and axis base lines.

Control Options

Use these options to configure the available controls within the view.

Enable view controls
Check to enable controls in the chart.
Show fullscreen button
When checked, a fullscreen option is displayed in the KNIME interactive menu.
Enable tooltip toggle
Check to enable toggling of the tooltip within the view.
Enable feature selection controls
Check to enable drop down menu's allowing you to switch the features displayed on the axes.
Enable text editing
Check to enable the editing of the title and axis labels within the view.
Enable 'Show only selected' toggle
Check to enable toggling of selection-only within view.
Enable subscribe to selection toggle
Check to enable toggling of selection subscription within view.
Enable subscribe to filter toggle
Check to enable toggling of filter subscription within view.
Enable link to Plotly editor
Check to enable toggling of filter subscription within view.


This KNIME implementation of Plotly is compatible with the other interactive JavaScript views in the KNIME analytics platform. Use these options to control the degree to which this chart interacts with other views.

Display clear selection button
Displays a button to clear current selection if selection is enabled, you are subscribed to selection or "Enable subscribe to selection toggle" is enabled in the Control Options.
Subscribe to selection events
If checked, the view reacts on notifications from other interactive views that the selection has been changed. See also "Publish selection events".
Subscribe to filter events
If checked, the view reacts on notifications from other interactive views that a filter has been created or modified.

Input Ports

Data table to display in an interactive 3D Scatter Plot.

Output Ports

Data table containing the input data with an appended boolean column representing which rows were selected in the view.

Popular Predecessors


Interactive View: 3D Scatter Plot
The KNIME 3D Scatter Plot with Plotly.




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