
1. Elementary Vectors

Read file "Table Manipulation" Right Click -> Interactive View Tokenize text, count word frequencies Extracting simple text vectorsWe can look at the frequency of words and have these word-counts as numbers in a list.Each position in this list (also known as a vector) represents one specific word. We can do this for as many words as we like, can be just a few, or all of them in the corpus (complete body of texts). What happens when we perform stemming Same process as above Node 1CreateBag of WordsCeate documentsNode 300Node 301Node 302Node 303Node 306Node 307Node 308Node 310Node 311Node 312Node 313Node 314Node 315Node 316CreateBag of WordsNode 318 CSV Reader Bag Of WordsCreator Strings to Document TF Row Filter String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter Pivot Missing Value 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Missing Value Pivot Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Row Filter TF Bag Of WordsCreator Snowball Stemmer Read file "Table Manipulation" Right Click -> Interactive View Tokenize text, count word frequencies Extracting simple text vectorsWe can look at the frequency of words and have these word-counts as numbers in a list.Each position in this list (also known as a vector) represents one specific word. We can do this for as many words as we like, can be just a few, or all of them in the corpus (complete body of texts). What happens when we perform stemming Same process as above Node 1CreateBag of WordsCeate documentsNode 300Node 301Node 302Node 303Node 306Node 307Node 308Node 310Node 311Node 312Node 313Node 314Node 315Node 316CreateBag of WordsNode 318CSV Reader Bag Of WordsCreator Strings to Document TF Row Filter String Manipulation Rule-basedRow Filter Pivot Missing Value 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Missing Value Pivot Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Row Filter TF Bag Of WordsCreator Snowball Stemmer


