

Regression Model House Pricing Data (EDA part)Data: Taipeh Real Estate Valuation Data Set https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Real+estate+valuation+data+set Data Prep Regression Model House Prices Data (Model) Regression Model House Price Data (Evaluation) training:test70:30learn modelscore of the modelscore of the modelNode 32Node 33Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 41 Scatter Matrix(local) Data Explorer Partitioning PolynomialRegression Learner Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Numeric Scorer Numeric Scorer RegressionPredictor Linear Correlation Violin Plot(Plotly) Box Plot 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Column Filter Excel Reader Numeric Outliers Regression Model House Pricing Data (EDA part)Data: Taipeh Real Estate Valuation Data Set https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Real+estate+valuation+data+set Data Prep Regression Model House Prices Data (Model) Regression Model House Price Data (Evaluation) training:test70:30learn modelscore of the modelscore of the modelNode 32Node 33Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 41Scatter Matrix(local) Data Explorer Partitioning PolynomialRegression Learner Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Numeric Scorer Numeric Scorer RegressionPredictor Linear Correlation Violin Plot(Plotly) Box Plot 3D ScatterPlot (Plotly) Column Filter Excel Reader Numeric Outliers


