Many to One

Aggregates several columns into one single column.
In each row, it finds a matching column from the set of selected columns and places the name of that matching column into the aggregated result column. Which column matches depends on the selected "include method" and the include pattern.
If no column matches a missing value is added. If multiple columns match execution fails and no output is generated.
Missing values in the selected columns are ignored. If all selected columns of one row consist of missing values a missing value is put in the aggregated column. All include methods except the regular expression require columns which are double compatible.


Select those columns which should be condensed.
Appended column name
Name of the aggregate column.
Include Method
Choose the method to determine the matching column:
  • Binary: Only the column with value "1" matches
  • Maximum: The column with the maximum value in each row matches
  • Minimum: The column with the minimum value in each row matches
  • RegExpPattern: The column matching the provided regular expression pattern matches.
Include Pattern
Enter the regular expression pattern if RexExpPattern was chosen as include method
Keep original columns
If checked, the selected columns are kept in the output table, otherwise they are deleted.

Input Ports


Output Ports

Data with aggregated column

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