Path to URI

This node generates a URI for each path in a path column. The supported URIs formats are specific to each file system. The URI format to use can be configured in the node dialog. Examples for URI formats are:
  • file:// URLs (supported by the "Local file system").
  • presigned https:// URLs (supported by the "Amazon S3 Connector").
  • knime:// URLs (supported by the "Mountpoint" and "Relative to" file systems).

This node can access a variety of different file systems. More information about file handling in KNIME can be found in the official File Handling Guide.


Input column
Column containing the Paths to the files/folders for which to generates URIs.
Fail if file/folder does not exist
If selected, each Path in the input column will be checked for its existence and the node will fail, if the Path does not exist. If not selected, this check will not be performed, but the node might nevertheless if the selecte URI format requires the Path to exist.
Fail on missing values
If selected the node will fail if the selected column contains missing values.
  • Append column: Append the new URI column to the table with the selected column name.
  • Replace: Replace the selected column with the new URI column.
URI Format
Allows to select a URI format and provide further configuration for the chosen format (if required by the format).
  • Format: A list of available URI formats. If the File system connection input port is connected, then the list is determined by that file system. Otherwise, the list is determined by the file system(s) of the Path values in the chosen input column. At any time, a brief explanation is displayed for the currently selected format.
  • Settings: Some URI formats require additional configuration so that URIs can be generated.

Input Ports

Table that contains a Path column.
The file system connection.

Output Ports

Input table with either a new URI column appended, or the Path column replaced by a URI column.

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