

OpenMS tests PIA tests Final check Workflow to check, whether everything is set up for PIA (with OpenMS)Please execute this workflow (double triangles / fast forward symbol at the very top).Check, whether all Nodes complete after some seconds, the traffic light symbol should turn green.Scroll to the right and check the two Nodes called "Extract Table Dimension". Right click an these select"Table containing dimension" (very bottom of context menu). If the tables show the numbers givenbelow the nodes, everything went fine. Node 3Node 7Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 15Node 16Node 18Node 20should be 129, 15should be 2046, 12Node 27Node 30Node 31Node 32mzML fileNode 35FASTA databaseNode 37keep FDR <= 0.01Node 39Node 40URI to Port URI to Port Port to URI PIA Compiler PIA Analysis Ungroup Row Filter URI Port toVariable Row Filter Extract TableDimension Extract TableDimension XTandemAdapter IDMapper TextExporter FeatureFinderCentroided List Files/Folders Path to URI List Files/Folders Path to URI Row Filter CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) OpenMS tests PIA tests Final check Workflow to check, whether everything is set up for PIA (with OpenMS)Please execute this workflow (double triangles / fast forward symbol at the very top).Check, whether all Nodes complete after some seconds, the traffic light symbol should turn green.Scroll to the right and check the two Nodes called "Extract Table Dimension". Right click an these select"Table containing dimension" (very bottom of context menu). If the tables show the numbers givenbelow the nodes, everything went fine. Node 3Node 7Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 15Node 16Node 18Node 20should be 129, 15should be 2046, 12Node 27Node 30Node 31Node 32mzML fileNode 35FASTA databaseNode 37keep FDR <= 0.01Node 39Node 40URI to Port URI to Port Port to URI PIA Compiler PIA Analysis Ungroup Row Filter URI Port toVariable Row Filter Extract TableDimension Extract TableDimension XTandemAdapter IDMapper TextExporter FeatureFinderCentroided List Files/Folders Path to URI List Files/Folders Path to URI Row Filter CSV Reader String to Path(Variable)


