Network Viewer

This node creates a cytoscape.js library based visualisation of the input network and allows to easily display and manipulate created interactive graph.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page.



Hide in wizard
If the view should be hidden in the wizard execution.
Create image at output
If an image is supposed to be rendered during execute for the upper output port. Disable this option if image is not needed or creation is too time consuming.
Chart title
The title of the graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no title will be shown.
Chart subtitle
The subtitle of the graph shown above the generated image. If left blank, no subtitle will be shown.
Width of image (in px)
The width of the generated PNG image.
Height of image (in px)
The height of the generated PNG image.
Resize view to fill window
Setting this option resizes the view to the available area of the window. If disabled the view size is static according to the set width and height.
Display full screen button
Displays a button enabling full screen mode in the interactive view.
Available Layouts
Please select the layouts which will be available in the interactive view. At least one layout should be selected. Each layout has individual set of parameters. Please press a question mark next to a layout name to get information about the layout. Customising the parameters of the selected layouts is available in the "Layout Settings" tab.

Layout Settings

The layout to be applied for the network visualisation. Press a question mark next to the selected layout to get information about the layout.
Please note that on layout change the current settings will be saved and the corresponding layout will be available in the interactive view with the saved settings.
The last selected layout will be the default one for the network view.
Settings set is dynamically changed for each layout. Description of each parameter is available in the dialog. Please press a question mark next to a setting name to get information about the setting.

Node Settings

Label feature
The feature to use for the node label. Select <NONE> for no label and <NODE ID> if the id of the node should be used.
Vertical alignment
Defines the vertical alignment of the node label.
Horizontal alignment
Defines the horizontal alignment of the node label.
Click the button to change the font of the node label. The textbox next to the button shows a preview of the currently selected font.
Click the button to change the format of the numbers for the node labels.
Decimal Digits
The number of decimal digits to be shown. Use 0 for no decimal digits. Maximum is 7 digits.
Decimal Separator
The decimal separator character. Defaults to .
Thousands Separator
The thousands separator character. Leave blank for displaying no separator character.
Custom Prefix
A custom prefix string. A common use case for this is a currency symbol.
Custom Postfix
A custom string rendered after the number.
Negative Sign
The string used to denote a negative number. Defaults to -
Negative Before String
A custom string rendered before any custom prefix, when number is negative.
Label color
Select the color feature that should be used to color the node label. Please note that only color features are supported.
Default label color
The node label color that is used by default e.g. if no color feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node. Click the button to change the default color.
Select the feature that defines the node shape. Notice that only shape features are supported.
Default shape
The node shape that is used by default e.g. if no shape feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node.
Fill color
Select the color feature that should be used to color the nodes. Please note that only color features are supported.
Default fill color
The node color that is used by default e.g. if no color feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node. Click the button to change the default color.
Outline color
Select the color feature that should be used to color the node outline. Please note that only color features are supported.
Default outline color
The node outline color that is used by default e.g. if no color feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node. Click the button to change the default color.
Node size feature
Select the numeric feature that should be used for the node size. Please note that only numeric features are supported.
Default node size
The node size that is used by default e.g. if no node size feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node.
Node outline width
Select the numeric feature that should be used for the node outline width. Please note that only numeric features are supported.
Default node outline width
The node outline width that is used by default e.g. if no node outline width feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node.

Edge Settings

Label feature
The feature to use for the edge label. Select <NONE> for no label and <NODE ID> if the id of the edge should be used.
Click the button to change the font of the edge labels. The textbox next to the button shows a preview of the currently selected font.
Wrap labels
If checked, long edge labels will be wrapped.
Click the button to change the format of the numbers for the edge labels.
Decimal Digits
The number of decimal digits to be shown. Use 0 for no decimal digits. Maximum is 7 digits.
Decimal Separator
The decimal separator character. Defaults to .
Thousands Separator
The thousands separator character. Leave blank for displaying no separator character.
Custom Prefix
A custom prefix string. A common use case for this is a currency symbol.
Custom Postfix
A custom string rendered after the number.
Negative Sign
The string used to denote a negative number. Defaults to -
Negative Before String
A custom string rendered before any custom prefix, when number is negative.
Label color
Select the color feature that should be used to color the edge label. Please note that only color features are supported.
Default label color
The edge label color that is used by default e.g. if no color feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node. Click the button to change the default color.
Edge color
Select the color feature that should be used to color the edges. Please note that only color features are supported.
Default color
The node color that is used by default e.g. if no color feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node. Click the button to change the default color.
Edge width feature
Select the numeric feature that should be used for the edge width. Please note that only numeric features are supported.
Default edge width
The edge width that is used by default e.g. if no edge width feature is selected or if the selected feature does not return a value for a given node.

View Controls

Enable interactive view controls
If checked, the user can modify parameters directly in the interactive view.
Enable title edit
If checked, the user can change the network visualisation title in the view.
Enable subtitle edit
If checked, the user can change the network visualisation subtitle in the view.
Enable layout selection
If checked, the user can change available layouts, chosen in the "General" tab, in the view.
Enable zooming
If checked, zooming is available for the network visualisation in the view. Please use mouse wheel to zoom in/out
Enable node label selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node label.
Enable node label color selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node label color.
Enable node label size selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node label size.
Enable node shape selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node shape.
Enable node size selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node size.
Enable node fill color selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node fill color.
Enable node outline color selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node outline color.
Enable node outline width selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the node outline width.
Enable directes edges switch
If checked, the user can select whether directed edge arrow should be drawn. Available only if the network is directed.
Enable edge label selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the edge label.
Enable edge label size selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the edge label size.
Enable edge label color selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the edge label color.
Enable edge color selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the edge color.
Enable edge width selection
If checked, the user can change the feature for the edge width.
Enable selection
If checked, enables node selection within the view by clicking the rendered nodes of the network. Use Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple rows with the rectangle selection tool. To deselect previously selected node/add a node to the selection use Shift (Ctrl) + mouse click of the selected/deselcted node respectively.
Subscribe to selection
If checked, the view reacts on notifications from other interactive views that the selection has been changed. See also "Publish selection events".
Publish selection events
If checked, notifies other interactive views when user changes the selection in the current view. See also "Subscribe to selection events".
Redraw on filter event
If checked, when filter event is received the network is redrawn, otherwise the network is kept and nodes are added/removed accordingly to the filter event. Please note, that the filter events can be only applied to the network nodes, while adjacent edges of the added/removed nodes are added/deleted automatically.
Subscribe to filter events
If checked, the view reacts when applied filters have been changed.
Display clear selection button
If checked, displays a button to clear current selection.
Display show selected nodes only
If checked, displays a checkbox to display only currently selected nodes.
Display redraw on filter event
If checked, a checkbox to redraw on filter event is added to the interactive menu.

Input Ports

Network to visualise.
Table with filter definition.

Output Ports

Network image.

Popular Predecessors


Interactive View: Network Viewer
Displays a visualisation of the input network.




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