Hierarchical Cluster View

This view takes a hierarchical cluster tree and the same input table, that has been used for the creating the clustering and visualizes the cluster dendrogram and a distance plot over all created levels.

Input Ports

The hierarchical cluster tree that has been creates by the hierarchical clustering node.
The same data table that has been used to create the clusters.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports

Popular Predecessors


Dendrogram/Distance View
  • Dendrogram: The view shows a dendrogram which displays the whole cluster hierarchy. At the bottom are all datapoints. The closest data points are connected, where the height of the connection shows the distance between them. Thus, the y coordinate displays the distance of the fusions and thereby also the hierarchy level. The x axis is nominal and displays the single data points with their row ID. Each cluster can be selected and hilited. All contained subclusters will be hilited, too.
  • Distance plot: The distance plot displays the distances between the cluster for each number of clusters. This view can help to determine a "good" number of clusters, since there will be sudden jumps in the level of similarity as dissimilar groups are fused. The y coordinate is the distance of the fusion, the x axis the number of the fusion, i.e. the hierarchy level. The tooltip over the datapoints provides detailed information about that point, where "x" is the hierarchy level and "y" the distance of that fusion. The points can not be hilited, since the distances correspond to the height of the dendrogram not to any data points. The appearance tab let you adjust the view by hiding or displaying the dots, change the line thickness and the dot size.




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