Send to Power BI

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementSend to Power BI

This node sends the input table to Microsoft Power BI.

The node only uploads columns that are supported by Power BI. Other columns are ignored. The supported types are String , Number (integer) , Number (long) , Number (double) , Boolean value , Local Date and Local Date Time .

The node uploads rows in chunks to Microsoft Power BI. If the node is canceled, the already uploaded rows will remain in the Power BI dataset.

Important: When choosing the Node credentials storage location, the node saves a refresh token with access to your Microsoft account (with the specified permissions) in the node settings. Before sharing the workflow, you should clear your credentials in the node dialog.

The KNIME Analytics Platform Azure Application needs the following permissions:

  • View all datasets : Needed to check if a dataset already exists in your Power BI workspace.
  • Read and write all datasets : Needed to upload a table to a Power BI dataset in your workspace.
  • View all workspaces : Needed to get the identifier of the selected Power BI workspace.
  • Maintain access to data you have given it access to : Needed to access the Power BI API during the node execution without asking you to log in again.
Note: The Power BI REST API has some limitations in terms of the size of a dataset and the number of rows that can be shipped per hour. For more information visit the documentation .



Press this button to authenticate with Power BI. A page will be opened in your browser, which will ask you to sign in to your Microsoft account. Once you are logged in, you will be asked to accept the permission requests of the KNIME Analytics Platform application if you did not accept the permissions previously. If the authentication succeeded, you will be redirected to a page that states that the verification code has been received and that you may close the window. The status in the node dialog will update to "Authenticated".
Cancel a running authentication process.
Credentials Storage Location
Select where authentication credentials should be stored:
  • Memory : The authentication credentials will be kept in memory. They are discarded when closing KNIME.
  • Local File : The authentication credentials will be saved and loaded to and from the selected file.
  • Node : The authentication credentials will be saved in the node settings. If you choose this option, the workflow will contain your authentication information after is has been saved. Thus, access to your Microsoft account will be available to others if you share the workflow.
Clear Selected Credentials
Deletes the authentication credentials stored at the selected location. If Local File was selected, the file will be deleted if it contains previously stored credentials. Otherwise, the file will be left untouched and an error is displayed. If Node was selected, the credentials will be cleared from the node settings not before saving the workflow.
Clear All Credentials
Deletes all stored authentication credentials. Also see description of Clear Selected Credentials button. In case you do not want to share your credentials with this workflow, all credentials should be cleared beforehand.


Select the workspace to use. Select "default" to use the default workspace which is called "My workspace" in the Power BI user interface.
NOTE: To see the workspace options you have to be authenticated.
Create new Dataset
Select this option to create a new dataset in the selected Power BI workspace.
Select existing Dataset
Select this option to append the input tables to an existing dataset or to overwrite all rows of a table of an existing dataset. Note that the dataset has to be a "Push dataset" for this option to work.
Dataset name
The name of the dataset to create.
Table name
The name of the table in the dataset to upload. If multiple tables are uploaded a name has to be configured for each table and the names have to be unique.
Delete and create new if dataset exists
Select this option to delete a dataset with the same name if one exists before creating the new dataset. If a dataset with the configured name exists but this option is not selected the node will fail.
NOTE: All reports and dashboard tiles containing data from the dataset will also be deleted.
Append/Overwrite rows
Select if the input tables should be appended to the existing tables or if all rows of the exiting table should be deleted and overwritten by the input rows.

Input Ports

Data to be send to Power BI.
Additional data to be send to your data set.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports

Popular Predecessors


This node has no views




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