
Merges images from different columns to one image object as follows: the input images are regarded as one single line of pixels (depending on the iteration order of each underlying image factory). These pixel are added successively to the new image object, filling each dimension to the given maximum. If the maximum is reached, the next dimensions is added and/or extended. The pixel type of the result image is the least common pixel type of all images.


Image to merge
Select the columns containing the images to merge.
Result dimensions
Specify the maximum pixel number (integer) for the first, second, third, ... dimension, separated by ',' (comma) ( NOTE : for convenience one can also type there dimension labels, which will be replaced by the according dimension from the input image). Example: If you, e.g., want to merge three 2D source images of width 500 and height 400 pixels, than write '500,400' and the 3rd dimension will contain the three images. The result image will be of size 500x400x.. no matter what size the input image has. If you type "X,Y" instead, then these labels will be replaced by the actuall dimension from the currently processed input image.
Result dimension names
The labels for the dimensions of the result images.

Additional Settings

Image Factory
Defines the way how the images are created and therewith kept in memory: Array Image Factory (stored as ONE array; pros: fast pixel access; cons: limited number of pixels per image), Planar Image Factory (each plane is stored in an array; pros: images are read faster; cons: limited number of pixels in an XY-plane, slower pixel access))

Input Ports


Output Ports

Merged Images

Popular Successors


Table Cell View




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