Data Explorer

The Data Explorer node offers a range of options for displaying properties of the input data in an interactive view.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page.


Show most frequent/infrequent values
If you check this option, the Nominal tab of the interactive view will create a column with the n most frequent nominal values and another column with the n most infrequent nominal values, for some number n that you select. If the selected number is equal to the total number of distinct values in a column, only one column with all values will be created. In all cases values are listed in decreasing order of frequency.
Number of most freq./infreq. values
For any number n you select, the Nominal tab of the interactive view will list the n most frequent and the n most infrequent nominal values in separate columns.
Show median
If you check this option, the interactive view will show the median of the numerical values in the input data set.
Display Row ID in Data Preview tab
If you check this option, the Data Preview tab of the interactive view will create a column with Row ID of the data values.
Show missing values in histograms
If you check this option, the Nominal tab of the interactive view will show missing values as an additional bar in the histograms.
Enable automatic number of histogram bars
If you check this option, the Numeric tab of the interactive view will adjust the number of histogram bar of each numeric data column depending on the values occurring in the column. If you uncheck this option, you will be able to enter a number of histogram bars used for all columns.
Adds a title to the interactive view.
Adds a subtitle to the interactive view.
Enable global number format
Enables the same number format for all double values in the interactive view.
Decimal places
Specifies the number of decimal places for all values in the interactive view.
Max number of nominal values
Specifies the maximum number of unique values considered in one nominal column.


Display fullscreen button
If you check this option, the interactive view will enable option to enlarge the interactive view.
Number of rows for data preview
Determines the total number of rows displayed on the Data Preview tab of the interactive view.
Enable pagination
Enables spreading the table over several pages of the interactive view.
Initial page size
Determines the number of rows per page in the interactive view.
Enable page size change control
Enables changing the number of rows per page in the interactive view.
Selectable page sizes
Determines the page sizes you can select in the interactive view. Values need to be comma-separated.
Add 'All' option to page sizes
Adds the option of having all rows on one page to the page sizes you can select in the interactive view.
Enable selection
Enables selection of the data columns to be excluded from further analysis.
Enable searching
Enables searching the data table.
Enable sorting on columns
Enables sorting of columns.
Enable 'Clear Sorting' button
Enables undoing any sorting by clicking on the "Clear Sorting" button.
Max number of nominal values
Maximum number of distinct nominal values per column. If the actual value is higher than the number entered in this field, the interactive view will show a warning.

Input Ports

Table from which to compute statistics.

Output Ports

A table with filtered out by user columns, chosen in the interactive view.


Interactive View: Data Explorer View

The interactive view consists of three tabs: a Statistics tab, a Nominal tab, and a Data Preview tab. The Statistics and Nominal tabs sum up the information in each column. The user can then decide which columns to include in further analysis.

The Numeric tab shows the main statistical properties of the numerical data, such as minimum, maximum, median (optional), standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis, overall sum, number of zero values, number of missing values, number of not-an-object values, as well as positive and negative infinity values. For each column, the node also calculates a histogram showing the value distribution.

The Nominal tab lists the main properties of the nominal values, such as the number of missing values, unique values, and top n most frequent and infrequent values. In addition, for each data column there is a histogram showing the frequencies with which values occur in this column.

The Data Preview tab shows the data selected for preview.




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