
AutoML Churn Prediction DataApp - Community Hub version

<p><strong>AutoML Component via Interactive Views</strong><br><br>This application is a simple example of AutoML with KNIME Software for binary and multiclass classification. The key of this example is the AutoML Component verified and developed by the KNIME Team. This Component (in green) uses the extension KNIME Integrated Deployment in order to train several models and combine them with other nodes and output a deployment workflow. The other Components (in blue) offer interactive views to control the AutoML process from any web browser via the KNIME WebPortal on KNIME Server. <br><br>The workflow also works locally on KNIME Analytics Platform. Make sure to use "Apply and Close" in bottom-right corner of each view.</p>

URL: KNIME Integrated Deployment - KNIME.com https://www.knime.com/integrated-deployment
URL: Guided Automation: a more complex AutoML example with KNIME Software https://kni.me/w/eAGfGtEAIr-1iYR-
URL: Deploying an AutoML Application with Guided Analytics - KNIME Blog https://www.knime.com/blog/integrated-deployment-deploying-an-automl-application-with-guided-analytics
URL: Automated Machine Learning - KNIME Blog https://www.knime.com/blog/integrated-deployment-blog-series-episode-3-automated-machine-learning


