Automated Visualization

This Component automatically visualizes data in a dashboard based on the most interesting statistical properties of the input columns. A detailed explanation is available for each chart inside the dashboard. No configuration is necessary in order to automatically create the dashboard via the Component Composite View.

The Component runs a various statistical tests on the input data. Candidate columns are ranked for each visualization. The columns with highest rank are, when possible, visualized in a chart dedicated to precise statistical test.

Statistical tests used:

- Skewness, Kurtosis and Spikeyness tests of numerical column distribution
- Correlation test between numerical columns
- Correlation test between categorical columns
- Correlation test between numerical and encoded categorical columns
- Correlation test between categorical and encoded numerical columns
- ANOVA test (between categorical and numerical)

At the bottom of the dashboard you can also select the columns to be removed from the data set.

Input Ports

Unexplored data to be visualized.

Output Ports

Input data with only the columns that were not removed in the interactive view.


