



This workflow complements material in the EXAMPLES server with some plotting examples, an example introducing autoregression, an example of the robustness of different validation methods (holdout, CV and bootstrap) as well as an example of different serach strategies for parameter optimization

These two nodes are identical. The component (in blue) can beused to simply look at the results by rich-clicking and selectingInteractive View (or press F10). Double-click the metanode (in grey) to open and view the setup (itcan also be accessed through the blue component, but you needto select right-click-->component-->open) Node 9Node 31Node 32Node 58Node 160Node 161Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 165Node 166Node 167Node 170Node 171Node 172Node 173Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 179Node 180Node 181Node 182 ARFF Reader Validation MethodEvaluation Sunspot example Diabetes example Parameter OptimizationRandom Forests Histogram Chart(JFreeChart) Box Plot (local) Scatter Matrix(local) Color Manager HeatMap(JFreeChart) Parallel Coordinates(local) Radar Plot Appender Validation MethodEvaluation Data Explorer Numeric Binner Sunburst Chart Auto-Binner Sunburst Chart GET Request JSON Path UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Ungroup Line Chart(JFreeChart) Column Filter Line Plot Row Filter These two nodes are identical. The component (in blue) can beused to simply look at the results by rich-clicking and selectingInteractive View (or press F10). Double-click the metanode (in grey) to open and view the setup (itcan also be accessed through the blue component, but you needto select right-click-->component-->open) Node 9Node 31Node 32Node 58Node 160Node 161Node 162Node 163Node 164Node 165Node 166Node 167Node 170Node 171Node 172Node 173Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 179Node 180Node 181Node 182ARFF Reader Validation MethodEvaluation Sunspot example Diabetes example Parameter OptimizationRandom Forests Histogram Chart(JFreeChart) Box Plot (local) Scatter Matrix(local) Color Manager HeatMap(JFreeChart) Parallel Coordinates(local) Radar Plot Appender Validation MethodEvaluation Data Explorer Numeric Binner Sunburst Chart Auto-Binner Sunburst Chart GET Request JSON Path UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Ungroup Line Chart(JFreeChart) Column Filter Line Plot Row Filter


