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Task 1: Read the csv Files, rename some columns and join them to one dataset Task 2: read the planes.csv, filter the columns and rename the columns Task 3: join the datasets and illustrate them Task 4: illustrate the distibution ofdeparture delays of all flights with a histogram Task 5: focus on dest="LAX" Task 6: min, max, mean, median dep_delay Task 7: filter on two criteria (flights headed to SFO and Month February)Option 1: Filter hintereinander (wie &&)Option 2: Row Filter (labs) mit "AND"-Verknüpfung Task 8: use group by to calc mean/median/IQR/n() for allorigin airport Task 9: dep-delay by month from NYC airports (sorted DESC) Task 10: NYC flights - on time departure rate of departing flights Task 11: Depature delays by age it is assumed, thatthe csv files arelocated in aworkflow group"data" located onthe same level asthe workflow rename name to carriernameselect interesting columnsrename year to yearmanufactured(could also be done directly in csv reader)illustrated dataillustrated datastats for dep_delayMonth= 2view the resultcalc n() for rows und columnscalc valuesview the resultmonth with mean dep_delayshow Resultsort dep_delyDESCnew column isDelayedGroupBy Origin,count delayedGroupBy Origin,count ontimerename to numOntimerename tonumDelayedcalc sumisDelayed%numDelayed%numOntimeShow Resultjust to have a lookat the dataNode 55illustrate the joined tablecount yearmanufacturedcount missing valuesinteractive boxplotleft outer join by carrieralternativeFilter for "LAX"dest = SFOcalc valuesview the resultdest == SFO und Month == 2violin plotfilter for delayedfilter for ontimeJoin ResultJoin Resultviolin plotoptionalplanes.csvairlines.csvnycflights.csvgroup by age of planecalc age of planesplit by missing value for yearmanufacturedconvert Column Rename Column Filter Column Rename Data Explorer Data Explorer Statistics Row Filter Data Explorer Extract TableDimension GroupBy Data Explorer GroupBy Table View Sorter Rule Engine GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename Column Rename Column Aggregator Math Formula Math Formula Table View Table View Missing ValueColumn Filter InteractiveTable (local) Value Counter Value Counter Box Plot Joiner (Labs) Scatter Plot(Plotly) Joiner (Labs) Row Filter (Labs) Row Filter GroupBy Data Explorer Row Filter (Labs) Violin Plot(Plotly) Row Filter (Labs) Row Filter (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Violin Plot(Plotly) InteractiveHistogram (local) CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy Math Formula Row Splitter String To Number Task 1: Read the csv Files, rename some columns and join them to one dataset Task 2: read the planes.csv, filter the columns and rename the columns Task 3: join the datasets and illustrate them Task 4: illustrate the distibution ofdeparture delays of all flights with a histogram Task 5: focus on dest="LAX" Task 6: min, max, mean, median dep_delay Task 7: filter on two criteria (flights headed to SFO and Month February)Option 1: Filter hintereinander (wie &&)Option 2: Row Filter (labs) mit "AND"-Verknüpfung Task 8: use group by to calc mean/median/IQR/n() for allorigin airport Task 9: dep-delay by month from NYC airports (sorted DESC) Task 10: NYC flights - on time departure rate of departing flights Task 11: Depature delays by age it is assumed, thatthe csv files arelocated in aworkflow group"data" located onthe same level asthe workflow rename name to carriernameselect interesting columnsrename year to yearmanufactured(could also be done directly in csv reader)illustrated dataillustrated datastats for dep_delayMonth= 2view the resultcalc n() for rows und columnscalc valuesview the resultmonth with mean dep_delayshow Resultsort dep_delyDESCnew column isDelayedGroupBy Origin,count delayedGroupBy Origin,count ontimerename to numOntimerename tonumDelayedcalc sumisDelayed%numDelayed%numOntimeShow Resultjust to have a lookat the dataNode 55illustrate the joined tablecount yearmanufacturedcount missing valuesinteractive boxplotleft outer join by carrieralternativeFilter for "LAX"dest = SFOcalc valuesview the resultdest == SFO und Month == 2violin plotfilter for delayedfilter for ontimeJoin ResultJoin Resultviolin plotoptionalplanes.csvairlines.csvnycflights.csvgroup by age of planecalc age of planesplit by missing value for yearmanufacturedconvert Column Rename Column Filter Column Rename Data Explorer Data Explorer Statistics Row Filter Data Explorer Extract TableDimension GroupBy Data Explorer GroupBy Table View Sorter Rule Engine GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename Column Rename Column Aggregator Math Formula Math Formula Table View Table View Missing ValueColumn Filter InteractiveTable (local) Value Counter Value Counter Box Plot Joiner (Labs) Scatter Plot(Plotly) Joiner (Labs) Row Filter (Labs) Row Filter GroupBy Data Explorer Row Filter (Labs) Violin Plot(Plotly) Row Filter (Labs) Row Filter (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Joiner (Labs) Violin Plot(Plotly) InteractiveHistogram (local) CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader GroupBy Math Formula Row Splitter String To Number


